Physiotherapist A. Sprogis will help you strengthen and recover health


The Clinic of Aesthetic Dermatology of Professor Janis Kisis is one of the most popular, professional and powerful dermatology clinics in Latvia. It has become a leader thanks to the continuous development, innovations, exchange of experience and further education.  At the Clinic, it is possible to receive help from a broad scope of specialists, who look at the health of the patient as a whole and do not focus on diagnosing and treating the consequences but the causes. At the clinic, it is also possible to receive services of high-level physiotherapists. If you need a physiotherapist in Riga, physiotherapist A. Sprogis certainly will be an excellent choice for taking care of your health. Continue reading “Physiotherapist A. Sprogis will help you strengthen and recover health”

The Clinic of Aesthetic Dermatology will treat the causes of diseases


In our daily life, we probably do think about our heart health, that the dentist should be visited, or that blood tests should be given. But how often do we think about the largest human organ – our skin!? In fact, the condition, colour and flexibility of your skin indicate not only your age but also the overall health condition. Very often the condition of the skin not only affects us visually but also changes our emotional condition; for example, warts on the hands or annoying growths on the face make you feel uncomfortable, ashamed and lower your self-esteem. Continue reading “The Clinic of Aesthetic Dermatology will treat the causes of diseases”