This type of message is the first thing we think of when one needs to find a job, an apartment, buy something that is not available in the store, such as an arts and crafts product. When we study the meaning of advertisement philologically, it is, by definition, a short and specific statement, with the aim of clearly stating the need of its author or a special event.
Of course, internet announcements are the most used and most convenient form of advertisements nowadays, but there are still some newspapers and magazines that provide information about job opportunities, births and funerals, and other important things. Print media also remains important in rural regions and small towns, as the Internet is less freely available.
History of advertisements
Even as far as the ancient Egyptians, papyrus was used to write texts on it and stick such texts on the walls with the aim of informing other about certain goods or services. These reports have also been found in Arabia during papyrus excavations. In ancient Greece and Rome, on the other hand, it was a popular way to report what was found and lost. First advertisements or classifieds were found in Africa, Asia, and North America as drawings on walls and rocks that can date back as far as 4,000 years BC. In ancient China, on the other hand, the first messages were made in the form of poems and they remained as advertisements, by means of which people were trying to sell candy.
Such advertising came to Europe relatively later, in the Middle Ages. Since most people could not read, they were completed by drawing, for example, by drawing clothes, a hat, flour, a blacksmith, and so on. It was the simplest form of these messages. In the 18th century, this information began to appear in newspapers as well. After the golden age of the print press, advertisements became an everyday part and their importance was only growing.
A grammatically correct advertisement
Following the rules of grammar, an advertisement should include the following information:
- very specific facts shall be indicated related to content of the advertisement in order to give a clear impression;
- usually people write for the purpose of selling, buying, changing, renting, leasing or letting, in order to announce an event and for other purposes;
- contact information is a prerequisite so that, if necessary, it is possible to contact and find out the necessary additional information about the content;
- the most important thing needs to be focused on – the purpose and message, so there are no special conditions for the layout of the text, especially nowadays.
The importance of advertising sites is growing
These portals are becoming as important as shopping malls. Currently, you can buy most everything on the popular Internet portals – purchase goods and find services, masters and employees you need. The positive aspect is free advertisements and also other activities that help to highlight the text, thus aiding in selling more effectively. Classifieds are an extremely convenient way to find what you are looking for, without leaving the home.
Interesting ads that make you smile
One can read various messages on social networks, the authors of which have come up with extremely creative and unusual preparation. For example, one man offered to use himself as a map or navigation while using public transport, as he will not be able to help motorists. The fee for this unique service is 5 euros.
Equally recognizable is the text of a car sales classified, in which owner of an Audi proposed to sell it for 480 euros. This message was so much admired by people because there was exactly one sentence in the text that named the price of the car in a short-spoken manner. People shared this advert for thousands of times. It is not known whether the car was actually sold. Among others, a lady in Purvciems is also worth noticing. She tried to rent one room in her apartment, but the advertisement did not contain any pictures of the apartment, instead just her own photos.
An advert as a sign of the times
An announcement is not just a simple informative text – in fact, it is a large part of history that will remain for future generations and testify to how we have lived in the 21st century. In the same way as texts we write will illustrate our lives, values and perceptions.